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Monday, April 4, 2011

A Writer's Memories of the Library...

Thanks to Okanagan author Daryl Sedore for his guest blog, where he recalls the influence of libraries in his childhood and perhaps his choice of career as a writer.

Daryl has penned several novels, and interestingly has found using the pseudonym "Jonas Saul" has increased the e-sales of his thrillers ten-fold - check out his blog at to find out more. The ORL is working on getting some of his work in our collection.

Libraries have been in my life since I can remember. Sitting in the corner, book in hand, reading The Hardy Boys and losing myself as the characters weaved through their personal journeys. I can still remember the various layouts of the libraries of my youth. I still recall their smell, the feel of the books, the helpful attendants.
Maybe that has more to do with who I became than I previously thought. Perhaps these libraries inspired me. Today, with ten books written and published of my own and three more due out within the next two years, I wonder how much the rows of books moved me on the inside.
I do know one thing: libraries have given me great joy and for what it’s worth, that alone inspired me to join their ranks. To walk the aisles, glance along the spines and dream of what’s behind the covers. I discovered so many new authors, new journeys and new ideals within the confines of not just the hard covers of books, but also within the walls of my favorite library.
To enjoy seventy-five years of lending books, reading and educating their patrons with the power of knowledge is such an honour. The Okanagan Regional Library should stand tall and be proud as they are still an active member of our society, constantly changing and adapting to not just stay relevant but also to stay ahead of the reading experience as this generation advances into a stronger e-book base.
Great people, easy to get to locations and fabulous events keep the Okanagan Regional Library a wonderful place to visit. I implore you to come out and be a part of library history as they celebrate, “75 Years of Stories at the ORL”.
What a place. What a story. What a dream. What magic. What will you find?
Maybe a memory of your own…

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