This is the fifth book for young adults written by this Australian author and
recipient of several awards, prizes, and honours (including a very long stretch
of time on the New York Times Bestseller List.) Markus Zusak grew up hearing
stories of Nazi soldiers marching Jews through his mother’s small German
village; and set out to tell a story that would simultaneously educate
and evoke a wide range of emotions from the reader…and it certainly delivers.

Studded with moments of humour, sadness, and joy; this book will open your eyes
to sides of Nazi Germany you may never have imagined. Though written for young
adults; I found that many of the concepts, themes, and situations in this book
are geared more towards an adult level of comprehension. I would not
consider this a “light” read, or one that will leave you with a sense that “all
is right in the world”- but it is an excellent story that will make you very
glad to have spent the time and effort! Stop by the library branch to reserve a
copy today. You won’t be sorry!
Watch for the movie being released this Christmas! Which did you prefer - the movie or the book?
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